Lotus iNotes Ultralite (8.5.1. FP1) running on Android. Screenshots
Comunidad ESLUG  Febrero 25 2010
Comunidad ESLUG  Febrero 25 2010
Lotus iNotes Ultralite its the perfect alternative in case your Lotus Traveler server is dead. Also, it can be the perfect Notes door for non intensive mail users and a good battery saver. For users that haven't Traveler server access, they still can open iNotes mobile webmail if you have enabled by adding "htc" and "linux" agent keywords at the Ultra-light/Mobile Settings, redirect.nsf application. Jordi Vilaro, a member of the SLUG, has done an excellent work capturing some screenshots running iNotes Ultralite, v. 8.5.1 FP1, on an Android mobile device. Further down there is an animated gif. Be patient, takes some time to load.

Lotus iNotes ultralite mode on Android

Según relata Jordi Vilaró, la pantalla inicial se descuadra un poco, al igual que sucede en dispositivos WMobile, pero luego las pantallas se ven y procesan perfectamente. Así que ya podemos acceder mediante Lotus iNotes desde prácticamente cualquier gadget  celular (Blackberry, WMobile, Nokia, Apple iPhone/iPod o Android). La perfecta excusa para migrar a Domino 8.5.1. César, ahí van las pantallas prometidas. ¡Gracias Jordi!

Lotus iNotes ultralite mode on Android

AndroidLotus iNotes 8.5

Lotus iNotes Ultralite (8.5.1. FP1) running on Android. Screenshots