The New OS/2 Rumours could be interesting !!
Albert Buendia  Julio 7 2010
Albert Buendia  Julio 7 2010

Some rumours have emerged that IBM is considering an OS/2 comeback and I'm filled with the same mixed feelings that always emerge whenever the subject is raised. Would I want OS/2 back on my desktop now? Not really. Have these rumours got me a bit excited? Absolutely. In fact, I'm willing to take a guess about what the new OS/2 might be.

If IBM wants to get back into the world of desktop operating systems, I think that the most likely plan is for a custom Linux distribution, perhaps reviving the old OS/2 name. IBM has done something like this before in form of IBM Lotus Symphony.


Si IBM lo ha hecho con Lotus Symphony a partir de OpenOffice, ¿por qué no podría resucitar OS/2 como una distro de Linux? ¿Os imagináis una distro OS/3 con soporte de Elicpse /Expeditor y todos los productos de Lotus funcionando en armonía? ¿Un entorno de desarrollo Eclipse gratuito y soportado oficialmente por IBM en su propia distribución de Linux?

Notícia completa en español

OS/2 Linux

Notícia editorial publicada en la revista Linux +

Image:The New OS/2 Rumours could be interesting !!


The New OS/2 Rumours could be interesting !!